Worship & Music


Sunday worship is held at 10:00 am, both in person and online. Often you’ll find us  in our gorgeous sanctuary… but sometimes you will find us worshiping God on our front lawn (God’s original sanctuary!). Our worship services include lively music, scripture readings, a time with the young church, heart-felt prayer, inspiring preaching, and an opportunity to give. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month, and everyone is welcome at the Table.

Some words that have been used to describe our worship service include: connectional, creative, holy, a mix between tradition and innovation, encouraging, soulful, fun.

In addition to traditional Sunday morning services, we offer several special services throughout the year, such as a Children & Youth-led worship service, a Blessing of the Animals service, and a Children’s Christmas pageant.

During the season of Lent (the season before Easter), all are welcome to join us on Wednesdays at 7:30PM for a quiet, music and word-based service to draw us deeper into this season.

Also during Lent, you are invited to join us at 7:30PM for our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services (these are always the Thursday and Friday before Easter Sunday).

During the season of Advent (the season before Christmas), please join us for a Blue Christmas service, where we tell the truth about the season not always being so holly and so jolly. (This service varies in time and day of the week each year, so please call the pastor or the office for more details).

View our Live Stream of our Service »

To learn more about any of these services, please contact Pastor Mary Beth at pastormarybeth@gmail.com.

blessing of animals


Can you tell yet that we love music at Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church? We sure do! Our music offerings include…

chancel choir

Chancel Choir

We are proud of our choir! It  is led by Assistant Music Director Betsy Gaston and accompanied by Music Director Tom DiGiovanni. Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in preparation for worship. This group of dedicated amateurs sings from a variety of styles and composers, and hosts a renowned current composer every fall for a weekend of music ending with a concert.. All who love music and laughter are welcome to participate - this year, next year and beyond! To learn more, please contact Betsy at betsygaston212@aol.com.

Rejoicing Rhythms Drumming Group

Led by Betsy Gaston, this is a group of people who love to make a joyful (and loud!) noise. You don’t have to be an experienced musician to join, and we welcome ALL ages! Please contact Betsy at betsygaston212@aol.com for more information.

sonshine singers

All-Ages Bell Choir & Singers

Our ringing and singing choirs for all ages are led by Tom DiGiovanni. Both of these groups rehearse briefly (schedule varies!), and perform a song or two during worship a few times a year. Want to hear more? Please email Tom at digtom@hotmail.com.

Guest Musicians from around the Globe

We are thrilled to support musicians from the community… and from around the world! Whether it is a jazz trio from New York City, a classical guitar duo from the neighborhood,  Irish singers from outside of Belfast, or a contemporary Christian artist from the southwest, you will find these diverse and wonderful musicians leading worship or offering a special concert at our church. As always, all are welcome to attend. Please email Mary Beth at pastormarybeth@gmail.com if you’d like to learn more.

string trio2

Opportunities for Soloists & Small Groups

We love to experiment with all kinds of music (from jazz to folk, from bluegrass to Bach), and to hear all kinds of instruments. If you play an instrument or love to sing, you’re in! We’d love to have you join our music program. Email Tom at digtom@hotmail.com to take part!