Our Deacons
The word “deacon” comes from the Greek word “to serve.” Our deacons are the heart of our church, those who serve Christ both inside and outside of the church.
Deacons support our church in so many ways, including offering scholarships for both summer camps experiences AND support for post-secondary schools (colleges, etc). Please click on these links to apply:
Apply for the Richard B. Gibbons Camp Scholarship
Apply for the Richard B. Gibbons Post-Secondary Schloarship
Like our elders, our deacons are elected by the congregation to serve 3-year terms. Our deacons are:
Class of 2024
- Gretchen Alencewicz
- Tom Beacht
- Al Brown
- Ernie Maso
- Kathy Maso
- Joshua Miller
Class of 2025
- Fritz Hamlin
- Maria Hannis
- Sue Moore
- Charlotte Pickell
- Robb Todd (Moderator)
Class of 2026
- Sue Beacht
- Sharon Dachisen
- Joan Holloway
- Sharon Jiorle
- Sherri Wolfe