Our Fellowship

We know we are not put on this earth to “go it alone.” So one of our very favorite things is to be in community with one another. While we enjoy worshiping on Sunday morning together, we truly get to know each other in the many other aspects of our life together. A few examples are:

Post-worship Fellowship

Eeach Sunday after worship, we have the opportunity to meet and greet one another around a cup of coffee or tea and a delicious homemade goodie.


postworship fellowship 2

Church Family Meals

It could be at the Annual Congregational Meeting, a church picnic, or the Deacons’ Roast Beef Dinner.  Give us any excuse; we  just love to eat together!

Our Special Music Concerts

Jazz Goes to Church? Irish singers? We love music of every kind at Old Greenwich, and you will find us enjoying each other’s company as we support our community musicians inside and outside of worship.

Jazz trio