Our Members
In our faith tradition, we believe in the “priesthood of all believers.” This means that each person is called by God to shine their unique light out to the world, and that each person has equal access to God. In that way, all of God’s people are already members of the Body of Christ, whether or not they hold official membership in one local church or not.
Having said that, there is something special about joining a particular church community. When we join a church like Old Greenwich, suddenly, we are part of something bigger than ourselves in a very concrete way. When we join a church like Old Greenwich, suddenly, we are swept along a tide of prayer and service that feels so much stronger than if we were praying or serving alone.
If you are interested in officially becoming part of the faithful folks at Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church, please reach out to Pastor Mary Beth at pastormarybeth@gmail.com. We offer new member classes throughout the year (membership in the church is not required after completing the class), and we’d love to see you in one of them!