Past Pastors
Rebecca L. Segers
In her tenure with us, Rev. Segers built a lasting partnership with College Hill Presbyterian Church's and Greenwich Presbyterian Church's Youth Groups. She also played a key role in establishing our church's Church's Legacy Tree and Society. She led the choir in a memorable trip to Scotland, and began a Women’s Fun Group. Rev. Segers encouraged our church’s first live streaming of Sunday services, which continues to serve our wider, online community.
David W. Jones
A pastor with a great passion and gift for music, Rev. Jones established our church's community choral workshops, which we still host every year. Under his tenure, the church built the Trinity Wing in 2004. Rev. Jones fostered and supported the Mission Garden. He led us in building our lift/ elevator. He was instrumental in the IHN (Inter Hospitality Network) ministry, as well as establishing a new praise and worship service.
Margaret Ann Huffmon
Rev. Huffmon was our first installed associate pastor. She effectively led our Women’s Retreat. She also shepherded the church in a year of reading the entire Bible together.
Sally Dixon
A director and lover of music, Rev. Dixon was also our first female pastor! Under her, the sanctuary’s stucco covering was removed. Rev. Dixon helped put together and bury a time capsule. Our Greenwich Heritage, Volume 2, was published under her guidance. She led the effort in our 250th anniversary. She also established a General William Maxwell Service, in addition to a 50-year members' breakfast.
Dwight Faust
The Greenwich Nursery School, still very active today, was founded under Rev. Faust’s leadership in 1971. He also began the Greenwich Fellowship Club. Under Rev. Faust, we held our first New Jersey Crop Walk. The church celebrated its 200th Year in Sunday School during his tenure. Rev. Faust led a Yugoslavian Mission Trip, and encouraged and participated in the musical Godspell.
Alan Hagenbuch

Rev. Hagenbuch led the church in a mission trip to Ecuador, in addition to encouraging the church to rent rooms to the public schools. He began the “Fresh Air Children” program along with to other small group programs at the church. The first pictorial directory was printed under Rev. Hagenbuch's guidance and leadership.
James Chesnutt
Rev. Chesnutt was passionate in training student pastors as part of his ministry. He was the first pastor to live in the new manse (built in 1957). Both the organ and sanctuary were remodeled during his tenure. Additionally, Rev. Chesnutt began the TUXIS (young adult) Mission Trips. Bible School was a key part of his ministry. With Rev. Chesnutt at the helm, the church hosted a Cuban refugee family while he was pastor.
Stanert Dransfield
Under the guidance of Rev. Dransfield, the Greenwich Sunday School bus (“The Green Bus”) was born, and ran for several years. Under his leadership, Old Greenwich also built Memorial Hall (our present-day fellowship hall). He instigated radio broadcasts. Rev. Dransfield began a second worship service on Sunday morning, employed our first church secretary, and established the Boy Scout Troop.
Charles Overstreet
In his twenty years at Greenwich, Rev. Overstreet initiated many groups. With a passion for ministry to young people, he organized and led both the Young People’s Society and the Young Adult Fellowship. He also began an orchestra at the church. He instituted Greenwich Gleanings, Greenwich’s Church newsletter at the time. He is buried in the Greenwich Cemetery.
Hugh Walker
While serving as pastor at Old Greenwich, Rev. Walker established the Greenwich Cemetery Association. Also under his leadership, our church’s sanctuary was remodeled… and electrified! He encouraged the church to put in stained glass windows, along with a new pipe organ. Additionally, Rev. Walker oversaw the building of cemetery gates.
Edwin Reinke
Buried in the Greenwich Cemetery, Rev. Reinke helped to form and undergird a Christian Endeavor Society for Prayer. He instigated “Gospel Meetings” at the church. Rev. Reinke also helped lead the effort in putting together the church’s 1901 cookbook.
Eliphalet Brown
Rev. Brown played a key role in establishing a Greenwich Young People’s Organization. He was quite the evangelist, and was an advocate of church revivals in the church and community. He also had the balcony enclosed, and abolished the antiquated practice of renting pews. He inaugurated a winter Sunday School program as well.
Thomas Long
In his decade and a half as pastor of Greenwich, Rev. Long established and supported the Women’s Missionary Society. Under him, the church’s sanctuary was renovated. The Festival Hall (our fellowship hall at the time) was built. Rev. Long also helped organize festivals celebrating 100 years on our “new site”!
Aaron Hand
Pastor during the Civil War, Rev. Hand guided Greenwich members through most of the troubling times of the “exodus” and the Civil War. He also helped found both Phillipsburg and Bloomsbury Presbyterian Churches. Like his predecessor Rev. Junkin, Rev. Hand was a trustee at Lafayette College.
David Junkin
The 10th child of devout Christians, Rev. David X. Junkin served at Greenwich for 16 years. While here, he oversaw the building of our second stone church structure, in addition to a manse. He invigorated the Sunday Schools program through Sunday School outposts, and helped found the Stewartsville Presbyterian Church. His brother, the Rev. George Junkin, was a founder and the first president of Lafayette College in Easton.
William Sloan
Rev. Sloan enjoyed the longest pastorate at Greenwich – 36 years! Traveling many miles by horse during his first 17 years of ministry (as he also served the congregations of Mansfield, Woodhouse and Harmony), Rev. Sloan was the last of our circuit riding pastors. He is buried in the Greenwich Cemetery.
Joseph Treat
Like his predecessor John Rosborough (see below), Rev. Treat was an early circuit rider - that is, a clergy person who traveled on horseback from church to church, especially within a rural circuit. He was serving a large church in New York City when the Revolutionary War broke out, and, along with his family, was forced to flee from the British. They landed in Greenwich and stayed for the rest of their lives. Rev. Treat and his family are buried in an unmarked grave in the Greenwich Cemetery. [NB: The above portrait is not one of Joseph Treat, but of a Presbyterian pastor from the same era].
John Rosborough
Born in Northern Ireland, ordained in our log cabin church, Rev. Rosborough (alternate spellings are "Rosbrugh" and "Rosburgh") was the first installed pastor of Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church. Like Joseph Treat who followed him (see above), Rev. Rosborough was an early circuit rider in our area. He was killed after the Battle of Trenton in the Revolutionary War, the first US chaplain ever killed in battle.
David Brainerd
Although not an installed pastor of Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church, David Brainerd was one of the very first to preach in our log cabin church as a frontier missionary. He was a passionate man and preacher, devoted to ministering to the Lenape Native Americans in our area.