
So Many Ways to Give!

When you click on the gold DONATE button below, expand the drop down menu on the right of the "Use this donation for" box. There you will have the option to earmark your donation in several ways:

(1) A "Pledge" will go towards what you have committed to give;

(2) A "General Offering" is for anyone who hasn't made an annual pledge, but would like to give towards the church anyway!

(3) A "Per Capita Gift" goes towards the important work we share with our denomination ($43.50 per person a year!)

(4) A "Memorial Gift" is in memory of loved ones;

(5) "Other" is anything else... !

What is giving?

God is interested in working and moving in every part of our lives, including, yes, our pocketbooks! Giving our tithes and treasures to the church is a spiritual discipline, just like prayer or scripture reading. When we give, we loosen our grip just a little more, allowing God room to work. When we give, we begin to put our trust in our God who is moving in love beyond our imaginings.

What is pledging?

A pledge is simply promising  to give. We fund our congregation through pledges, or commitments, of support from each of us - the members and friends of the church. Every year we have the chance to review our decision to financially support our church community.

Why do we pledge?

When we pledge, we empower the church to not only carefully and prayerfully consider resources for the upcoming year, but we also enable the church to go out into the world providing hope and joy to those that need it!

Donate with PayPal

Our donation page is powered by PayPal.  You may donate with your credit card even if you don't have a PayPal account. Upon completing this donation form, you will be directed to PayPal to complete your secure transaction.