Make A Difference In Your Community

Our Mission Work

Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church has a long commitment to making a difference in the surrounding community and the world at large. These are just a few of the ways we try to be God’s light in our  world:

Partnership with River of Life Presbyterian Church. Several times throughout the year, we work together with our sister church in Phillipsburg NJ ( to collect supplies, clothing, food, and money for those in need in our community.

Giving to Our Larger Church’s Mission Funds. Throughout the year, we give special offerings through our Presbyterian denomination that are distributed to those facing disasters of every kind. See more here:

Helping Our Ukrainian friends. We not only pray for Ukraine; we have given over $6000.00 towards helping the victims of violence and oppression inside and outside of Ukraine. 

Collecting Donations for those impacted by Hurricanes. After Hurricane Helene, we collected goods including pet food, cleaning items and water bottles for donation to North Carolina. We also collected over $2,000 in monetary donations.

Supporting local helping organizations. In November of 2024 we are hosting a Spaghetti Dinner/Coffee House event to benefit Family Promise, an organization that helps those experiencing homelessness in Warren County, NJ. We also regularly collect clothing and food items for Open Cupboard in Clinton, NJ. Open Cupboard is a nonprofit agency that provides food and personal care items to hungry residents of Hunterdon and Warren County.

Making Meals for Safe Harbor. We regularly prepare healthy and delicious food for our un-housed friends in the Easton, PA area.

Our Deacons’ Helping Hands Fund. This fund, overseen by our deacons, assists church members and members of the larger community with necessary living expenses such as rent, food assistance, medical help, etc. 

Alcoholics Anonymous. We know God shows up in the rooms of AA. We are so blessed to host several AA recovery groups in our building throughout the week: 

  • Sundays at 3:00PM
  • Mondays at 7:30PM
  • Tuesdays at 7:30PM
  • Fridays at 7:30PM
food pantry